in IAS 16 - Property, Plant and Equipment by Level 1 Member (1.6k points)
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can anyone explain briefly each.... thank very much in advance.

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by Level 5 Member (29.1k points)
IAS 16 PPE is a lengthy & complex standard & its objective & scope are as follows:

Objective of IAS 16
The objective of IAS 16 is to prescribe the accounting treatment for property, plant, and equipment. The principal issues are the recognition of assets, the determination of their carrying amounts, and the depreciation charges and impairment losses to be recognised in relation to them.

IAS 16 does not apply to
assets classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5
exploration and evaluation assets (IFRS 6)
biological assets related to agricultural activity (see IAS 41) or
mineral rights and mineral reserves such as oil, natural gas and similar non-regenerative resources

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