I would try to explain you again
A financial instrument should be measured initially at its fair value. This is usually
the fair value of the consideration given or received (In your case the amount paid to acquire equity would be considered as fair value of that equity).
Transaction costs (for example, a dealer’s fee) might be incurred on initial recognition of a financial instrument. The accounting treatment of these fees depends on the subsequent accounting treatment applied to the financial asset or financial liability in question.
Transaction costs are expensed immediately in the statement of profit or loss if the financial asset or financial liability is subsequently measured at fair value with gains and losses recognised in the statement of profit or loss. Otherwise the transaction cost is capitalised as part of the carrying amount of the
financial asset or financial liability on initial recognition. (Its upto you to decide weather you have incurred any cost or not).
After initial recognition financial assets (financial liabilities) are measured either
fair value; or
amortised cost.
As per my understanding You held AFS for Trading purpose, then for subsequent measurement, you can choose to treat AFS as ‘at fairvalue through profit or loss.
For these purpose following are entries...
Initial recognition Dr (Rs.) Cr (Rs.)
AFS financial asset XXXX
Subsequent measurement Dr (Rs.) Cr (Rs.)
AFS financial asset XXXX
Other comprehensive income XXXX XXXX
Disposal Dr (Rs.) Cr (Rs.)
AFS financial asset XXXX
Statement of profit or loss XXXX XXXX
(Other comprehensive income XXXX
Statement of profit or loss XXXX
Being: Reclassification adjustment arising on disposal of an AFS
financial asset. )